Inger Rokkjaer:

Inger Rokkjaer is one of those artists whose work emanates a strange and compelling fusion of the past and the present where form and surface merges into a whole in an apparent effortless exercise to produce a sharply defined vessel using the Raku technique.
The beauty of her art has not gone unnoticed in the international ceramics world and Inger Rokkjaer's works are to be found in major collections in the Netherlands, Germany, The USA and in Japan at the museum of Contemporary Ceramic Shigaraki. In the UK Inger Rokkjaer has exhibited at Galerie Besson, Alpha House and most recently in the Nordic Marquee at The National Ceramics Festival, Hatfield House, Connections Henley on Thames. Collect 2005-06 V&A London, Scottish Gallery, Collect in the Country 2006 Henley on Thames (Cultural Connections CC)

Inger Rokkjaer's ceramics can be seen on our stand No 31 at COLLECT 2007 V&A Museum, London.
25th-29th January 2008



Facilitating the Nordic Applied Arts